Comments for Since my boat is on my drive way at all time and facing the sun set direction, what kind of clear vinyl should I use that will be long lasting?

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Aug 06, 2017

by: Tammy

Hi Lan,
First I wonder if you plan to sew it in yourself or find a local fabricator. Most home sewing machines won't handle sewing clear plastic into your boat enclosure. If you plan to take it to a local marine fabricator then you would ask for either O'sea or strataglass. Both have built in UV protection and scratch resistance. If you use strataglass the 30 or 40 ga will be fine. If you choose O'sea I would go with the 40 ga. It has a much softer hand and thicker does better.
Let me say, their comes a time when all plastic has to be replaced. It doesn't last forever, so what happened to yours was a normal thing.
Good luck with your project, let me know if you have any other questions.

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