Comments for Loose jaw slide and eye ends that won't tighten

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Jul 11, 2013
Original screws, nothing stripped...
by: Anonymous

It's the same screws that are in use in all the other working jaw slides that are a part of the full camper canvas frame. I also took it out and it has an unthreaded portion that sits inside the Eye end space, so it doesn't look like someone just got a hardware store screw and stuck it in there either, it looks like the original equipment. The threads aren't stripped, because the screw tightens down. It just doesn't seem to tighten enough to squeeze the jaw slide firmly down onto the eye ends to keep them from moving.

That does sound strange, but possible that it isn't seating itself properly. As I buy and sell large quantities of bimini top fittings I do see defective parts come through on a regular basis. Have you taken the fitting off the frame yet to examine how the set screw functions and if it comes all the way through the set screw hole properly? Closer examination might reveal the problem, maybe even take it in to the hardware store and replace the set screw.

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